NRSP’s Partnership with GCF & MoCC

National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) being the largest Rural Support Programme in terms of outreach and development work in the country was recommended by the Ministry of Climate Change-MoCC (the NDA Pakistan) to engage with Green Climate Fund (GCF). Idea was to engage NRSP as the first and leading national implementing partner of GCF and MoCC in the county for the planning and execution of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Initiatives. NRSP was issued NOC by MoCC to start the process of accreditation by the GCF in 2016 and it took 2 years to complete the process of accreditation of NRSP; which includes institutional assessment of NRSP carried out by Pwc and round of discussions with the GCF support teams. NRSP was formally accredited by GCF on December 12th, 2018 as the 1st ever National Direct Access Entity (DAE) in Pakistan. In all the above process Ministry of Climate Change was involved and consulted in each and every step; which was very productive.

For more details on NRSP, please visit the organizational website at

Climate change is the defining challenge of our time. The human impact on our planet is unprecedented. Long-term changes in the earth’s climate system are significant. The Green Climate Fund was established with a mission to advance the goal of keeping the temperature increase on our home planet below 2 degrees Celsius. The Fund is a unique global initiative to respond to climate change by investing into low-emission and climate-resilient development. GCF was established by 194 governments to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries, and to help adapt vulnerable societies to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Given the urgency and seriousness of the challenge, the Fund is mandated to make an ambitious contribution to the united global response to climate change.

Update on GCF Pipeline for NRSP

Sr #Concept Note/ Proposal NameStatus
1Climate Smart Villages ($50m)At Concept Note (CN) level stage, under discussion with GCF experts, NDA agreed to issue NOL
2Electric Vehicles Project ($50m)At Proposal level stage, NOL received from NDA and now the proposal is under review by the GCF, a 3rd party assessment is under process
3Regenerative Agriculture ($45m)At Concept Note stage, endorsed by NDA, under review at GCF
4Harnessing the Domestic Private Sector Ecosystem for Climate Action in Pakistan ($50m)At proposal stage, received NOL from NDA, proposal is to be presented to GCF's next board meeting in October, 2024
5Living Indus Project ($25m)At CN stage, UNEP is working on it, CN will be submitted to GCF by UNEP. NRSP to play role as Executing Entity (EE)
6Community-Led Health Resilience in a changing climate ($50m)At CN stage, NDA endorsed it, submitted to GCF, waiting for GCF response, Path Finder to play the role of EE

Latest News

  • NRSP is formally accredited by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) on December 12th, 2018
  • NRSP has formally submitted its first Concept Note to GCF for review

Programme Update