
This thematic sector encourages and supports projects that promote the development of entrepreneurship in Pakistan. The grants have focused on developing entrepreneurship skills and sustainable livelihood opportunities among impoverished women and youth, thus making them economically independent. In addition to training youth to develop their entrepreneurship skills, women from remote areas of the country received vocational training to further their local crafts, and farmers were trained on management and value addition. This is an exclusive Ambassador’s Fund thematic area.


Projects in Ambassador's Fund


BeneficiariesEstimated number of people



Persons trained in skill development


Persons provided entrepreneurship training


Persons provided tool kits

Fund Status


Ambassador’s Fund


  1. Balochistan Social Development Program (BSDP)
  2. Center for Social Education and Development (CSED)
  3. Citizen Voice (CV)
  4. Farmers Development Organization (FDO)
  5. Grass Roots Assistance People Empowerment Society (GRAPES)
  6. Human Organization for Peaceful Environment (HOPE)
  7. Karakorum Associates for Educational and Economic Development (KAEED)
  8. Mendi Local Support Organization (MLSO)
  9. Mountain Areas Farmer Support Organization (MAFSO)
  10. National Disability & Development Forum (NDF)
  11. National Productivity Organization (NPO)
  12. Naunihal Development Organization (NDO)
  13. Qurumbar and Shandur Area Development Organization (QASADO)
  14. Research and Development Solutions (RADS)
  15. Shaoor Foundation for Education and Awareness (SFEA)
  16. Society for Human Advancement and Disadvantaged Empowerment (SHADE)
  17. Society for Human Empowerment and Rural Development (SHER)
  18. Star Farm Pakistan (Private) Limited (SFP)
  19. Sukhi Development Foundation (SDF)
  20. Sustainable Development Organization (SDO)
  21. The Federation for Environment, Education Development and Equal Rights (FEEDER)
  22. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
  23. Youth Engagement Services (YES) Network Pakistan

USAID/Pakistan has, in cooperation with the USAID Office of Inspector General, established the Anti-Fraud Hotline to provide an avenue for the reporting of fraud, waste, and abuse which may be associated with USAID funded projects in Pakistan. Complaints are handled with complete confidentiality and individuals are encouraged to report when corruption, fraud, waste or abuse may exist in the USAID/Pakistan projects. Reports can be filed anonymously via the easy-to-use Hotline (Toll free number 0800 84700); e-mail at complaints@anti-fraudhotline.com; fax at 021-35390410; postal address at 5-C, 2nd Floor Khayban-e-Ittehad, Phase VII, DHA, Karachi, Pakistan; and on the website www.anti-fraudhotline.com.