
Governance has been a cross cutting theme for the Small Grants and Ambassador’s Fund Program. The Small Grants Fund supports initiatives which strengthen government and private institutions to meet their objectives, and devise research based mechanisms to design and improve policies, strategies and mechanisms of service delivery. These activities are undertaken to support the linkages and access of remote communities with the public and private services.


Projects in Small Grants


BeneficiariesEstimated number of people



Policy Papers Produced


Press briefings and advocacy meetings


Policy Dialogues

Fund Status


Small Grants


  1. Dir Area Development Organization (DADO)
  2. Forman Christian College University Centre for Public Policy and Governance (FCCU - CPPG)
  3. Regional Institute of Policy Research and Training (RIPORT)
  4. Research and Development Solutions (RADS)
  5. South Asian Federation of Exchanges (SAFE)

USAID/Pakistan has, in cooperation with the USAID Office of Inspector General, established the Anti-Fraud Hotline to provide an avenue for the reporting of fraud, waste, and abuse which may be associated with USAID funded projects in Pakistan. Complaints are handled with complete confidentiality and individuals are encouraged to report when corruption, fraud, waste or abuse may exist in the USAID/Pakistan projects. Reports can be filed anonymously via the easy-to-use Hotline (Toll free number 0800 84700); e-mail at; fax at 021-35390410; postal address at 5-C, 2nd Floor Khayban-e-Ittehad, Phase VII, DHA, Karachi, Pakistan; and on the website